The Best Botanicals for Unresolved Thyroid Issues: Part 1

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and to help spread awareness, I have an important message for my fellow thyroid patients. If you had surgery to remove your thyroid gland, radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment for hyperthyroidism, or Hashimoto’s disease or hypothyroidism with a poorly functioning or atrophied thyroid, you aren’t producing enough – or any — thyroid hormone! And we need thyroid hormone to survive! And despite the ads, books, and marketing pitches, no natural supplement, vitamin, mineral, or food can replace the thyroid hormone your cells, tissues, organs, and glands need to function.

As a thyroid patient advocate, I’ve gotten questions like these every day for 25 years. Everyone seems to want natural solutions to their health challenges, and the 20+ million people in the U.S. with thyroid disease are no exception.

How to Have Happy, Healthy Holidays

It’s winter and the holidays are approaching. That means the kids are bringing all sorts of colds and viruses home with them from school. It’s so busy at work that even when your coworkers clearly should stay home sick, they often come in anyway. Everyone’s piling into planes, trains, buses, and cars for holiday travel. Shopping, holiday parties, and family get-togethers put us all together – in close proximity.

This Thanksgiving, Will You Have Room for Dessert?

I LOVE Thanksgiving! It’s a special day when I join family and friends in a spirit of gratitude and celebration before a table overflowing with delectable and lovingly prepared dishes!

I also look forward to the opportunity to put aside my usual regimen of healthy eating for a day of guilt-free indulgence. I can overdo it, however, and after the main meal, I often end up feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. Worst of all, I don’t feel like I even have room for dessert! (And believe me, I LOVE desserts!)

Looking Back on 25 Years

Almost three decades ago, while studying indigenous botanicals in Peru, I first learned about Maca, and experienced its powerful benefits firsthand. I was so impressed with this botanical’s incredible properties that I made it my mission to bring high-quality, properly prepared Maca to the U.S. market.

It feels just like yesterday when the cofounder of Whole World Botanicals, Elena Rojas Martinez, and I were getting started. But now, we’re celebrating 25 years in business!

Build Better Bones with Botanicals!

World Osteoporosis Day is October 20th, making it a perfect opportunity for me to share natural tools to help you build better bones today. And, for those who already have bone health problems, I have good news. There is a remarkably effective, natural way to help rebuild better bones!